The Drexel Society, Inc.


PRESIDENT - Marcelene Dennis

Mobile Chapter

Mobile, Alabama

Allen Memorial Home


Drexelaire Jennifer Green, Drexelaire Marcelene Dennis, President and Drexelaire Fannie Burden

The Mobile Chapter donated socks, books, markers and crayon to the local Nursing Home.

March 8, 2023

Attended Mass at Prince of Peace Church and later lunched together at Wintzell Seafood downtown in Mobile, AL 

Members of Mobile Chapter

Front left:  National Vice President Drexelaire Anna Watson, President Drexelaire Marcelene Dennis,
Drexelaire Constance Taylor, Drexelaire Suzette McKee, Drexelaire Fannie Burden,
Second left row:  Drexelaire Felicia McKee, Drexelaire Angela Marks, Drexelaire Carrie Morrissette, Drexelaire Michelle Grace
Back row:  Drexelaire DeMaris Brown, Drexelaire Carlee Russell, Drexelaire Jennifer Green and  Drexelaire Sharmine Hamilton

President and National Vice President

HOM Student - Scholarship

The Drexel Society – Mobile Chapter awards scholarship to Heart of Mary student.

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