About Us
Phenomenal Women
Our Colors – Silver and Gold
Our Flower – Pink Rose
SERVICE to church, community, and humanity through Sacrifice – Love – Dedication – Devotion.
CONTRIBUTIONS: Spiritual and Corporal Services, women’s Services, Charities Services, National Projects, Education and Scholarships, National and Local Scholarships,
CELEBRATIONS: St. Katharine Drexel Feast Day, Founder’s Day/Presidential Awards Banquet, Prayer Breakfast, Annual Tea, Presentation Charity Ball, Senior Citizen Holiday Gala.
Founder and President
Elise LeNoir Morris*
Founding Charter Members
*Consuella Broussard
Rosemary Coreathers
Monica Delphis
*Joesphine Egby
*Ethel Fleming
*Gertie Guidry
Delores Henny
*Winnie Reed
*Rose Thibodeaux
Isadora Wills
We grateful to our Founder and Founding Charter members for their commitment to sacrifice, devotion, service, love, and dedication to the church, humanity, and honoring the legacy of St. Katherine Drexel.
It's a comfort to know we are fulfilling the dream of our Foundress and Founding Charter Members.
Drexelaire Mary Reescano, National President
Chapters in Action
Our Projects
National Projects Launched in 1990

Empowering Wellness
Preventive Awareness provide information about health risks of various disorders and organize successful health charitable contributions.

Dreams Alive
Provide assistance and fulfill a wish of a debilitative member.

National Awards
LeNoir-Drexel Awards - Honors given to outstanding Drexelaires, Humanitarian and Cultural Awards - Honors leaders and advocate of the community.

Position Statement
Support African Mothers Health initiative in Malawi and provide the educational materials for HIV/AIDS.

Prince & Princess Pageant
Embracing the Youth, Socially, Mentally, Physically and Educationally.

Recipients are graduating high school students.

Spiritual & Corporal Works of Mercy/Charity
Implement and develop plans to assist and educate those in need.

Stay at Home TEA
Resources for supporting the Scholarship Fund.